Friday 7 October 2011

  • Body text - The main text on the page.
  • Caption - Describes an image.
  • Copy - Any words or pictures that go in the magazine.
  • Crop - Cutting pictures to make them fit or to make them look better.
  • Drop capital - Emphasizes the first letter of the first word in the first paragraph.
  • Drop shadow - A shadow drawn on type or a picture to make it look as though it is raised off the page.
  • Feature box - Highlights further information .
  • Fillers - Small pieces of copy that fill in the holes of the magazine.
  • Headers and Footers - Extra informations at the top and bottom of each page.
  • Headline - The title of the feature or page.
  • Images - Pictures, illustrations of photographs.
  • Intro - A short piece written by the editor introducing the feature or page.
  • Logo - Identifies the magazine.
  • Photo credit - Identifies the photographer.
  • Pull-out quote - Some text copied from the article and pasted in a box or in bold type that makes you read the page.
  • Reversed-out text - White type on a coloured or black background.
  • Spread - Two pages together.
  • Subhead - A word or phrase that breaks up large amounts of texts.
  • Typo - A typing error.

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