Friday 7 October 2011

I have chosen to analyze a cover of Kerrang. This magazine is one of the most popular rock music magazine in the world and sells millions of copies of every issue. The main target audience of this magazine would be teenagers of around 15-19 mostly interested in rock music. Also musicians would be very interested in this magazine as it may provide them with inspiration. The main image of this magazine is an image of Dave Grohl who is the lead singer/guitarist of a rock band called 'Foo Fighters'. They are a band that have been around for a number of years but have become one of the most popular bands in the world due to their recent album release 'Wasting Light'. The main image would attract the attention of someone walking by it as it is a large close up of a well known rock icons face. A fan of the band or even someone that may not have heard them before would be attracted to this because of Dave Grohls face in the photo. He seems happy and slightly 'unhinged' which would attract a younger audience as they think that sort of thing is cool.

The masthead of this magazine is the usual Kerrang logo. The Kerrang logo is in all black with a white background so it stands out. The font is shattered slightly on every letter and this suggests that the magazine is 'loud' and 'exciting'. This would attract the target teenage rock audience as they like the idea of loud music and want a magazine that can provide them with articles about that music. Also Kerrang has an explanation after once again suggesting the loudness of the music/magazine. Over the masthead it mentions that the magazine is a 'Reading/Leeds special'. The target audience would be interested in this because they would either be going to these festivals or possibly be abit younger and want to hear about the festivals before they're old enough to go. Also another special on the page is the 'Free posters'. This would attract to the target audience as they are interested in the musicians in the magazine and would want to decorate their room with them. Also it mentions that that one of the posters is a 'Nirvana' poster.

This is Dave Grohls old band so therefore it is a link to the main image and would attract more fans of the band that are featured and rock music in general. At the bottom of the page the magazine mentions Drugs. These are things that are generally shunned by our modern society. This could attract the reader to read about the bands experiences with the drugs because they see drugs as a cool concept compared to how an old reader would see it as a bad thing to put in a magazine. Kerrang is a succesful magazine to teenagers of the age of 15-19, i think this magazine is a prime example of how they attract that audience so well.

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