Friday 4 November 2011

Preliminary Proposal

My magazine shall be aimed at college students both male and female. Traditionally college students are around the age of 16-18 so i shall be aiming my product at that age range. The typical content of my magazine will contain information on college events, any changes that the students may be experiencing within the college. I will also include information on competitions that students can take part in to win prizes also i will include information on universities and students loans. A few ideas i have for my magazines title are "College Your Way" "College Life" "Student News" "The Students Guide". I decided to choose "College Life" as i believe this is the title that my target audience will most relate to and make them want to read my magazine.

So far i have thought i might use fonts such as Times New Roman or possibly Wide  Latin. I have decided i will be using Wide  Latin because it stands out and i think it represents my target audience more than Times New Roman as it is large, different and full of life. My magazine will be released just after every half term as i think this will be the time when students have finished all their work over the break and will be ready to return to college and find out if any changed have happened while they have been away. I will be using an image of a student most likely at a medium close-up camera angle. This image would be the best to use as it shows that other students are involved and shows that the students can relate to the magazine.

I have decided i will release my magazine in A4 format, this means that the magazine could be easily carried in most bags so that the students would not feel encumbered by it. The colours i shall be using on my front covers will be bright and vibrant. Possibly using Pinks and Blacks
because these colours would make the magazine stand out differently to any other magazine and would appeal to both genders of my target audience.

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