Friday 18 November 2011

This was my final draft of my Magazine cover. Firstly i decided that the writing i had in Black was difficult to read from a small distance away and didn't really follow the colour scheme very well. I chose to change it to white as that stands out and is alot easier to read from a distance. I changed the shape of my  plug in the corner as i decided the shape i previously use was too rigid and unprofessional. Some other students pointed out that i had missed out some punctuation on some of my cover-lines so i corrected my mistakes there. I added a date and an issue number to make my magazine look more professional. I removed some words from my magazine cover to make it look more minimalist and make people want to actually open my magazine. I think this final draft is a lot better that than my first attempt even though i only changed it in a small way. I have asked other students and they have said they prefer this magazine cover as it looks a lot more friendly than it did before.

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