Wednesday 28 March 2012

 Here are 2 examples of music magazines. One of them is NME an popular rock and indie magazine mainly focused on a teenage to young adult audience. The other is ClassicFM magazine which is fully focused on classical music and focused mainly on an older audience normally 40+. Both magazines have different target audiences and different music types but both use the similar devices to attract their audience.

MASTHEAD - Both have mastheads at the top of their page to draw the attention of the reader, it has been shown that when people read they start from the top. NME uses a bold and bright text in their masthead. This is to show that the magazine will have articles on 'bright and bold' music. ClassicFM uses a elegant and classic font in their masthead to show they will have articles on classic and calm music. Both magazine have mastheads, although they look different they still serve the same purpose.

COVERLINE - Both of the magazines have cover lines at the center of their page as this will be the next thing the reader see's after the masthead. NME uses the same font for the coverline as it did for the masthead. The font is tilted on its side in different ways, this is to show the edginess of the magazine and represent the music that it covers. ClassicFM also uses a similar font to its masthead, using elegant and formal fonts to represent the music it cover. Also it uses a gold colour to give to reader a feeling of elegance/importance.

MAIN IMAGE - Bother of these magazine use main images as the backround of their magazine cover although both have key differences. NME has an action shot of a man singing and playing guitar. This is because NME magazine are focused on a teenage audience and are trying to atrract people that are interested in live and exciting music. Whereas Classic Fm image is of a man calmly conducting to representant the calm classic music that the magazine will be covering.

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