Wednesday 28 March 2012

Since my last post i have altered my double page spread in various different ways in which i hope to attract my target audience. I have finally taken away the picture i had in the back round and replaced it with a completely coloured background. I liked the colour of the sky in my previous picture so i used the 'Eyedropper Tool' to replicate the shade. After i completed my background i used the pencil tool to remove some of the blue in order for me to place an image inside. I have made my pencil outline messy and uneven as i think that if it was perfect it would look boring. Therefore it wouldnt look attractive to my audience. I have finally finished my interview with the rapper and i have chosen to have the questions in Bold. This is so its easier for the reader to transition between the questions and answers without being confused. Where i have placed the messy pencil outline will be where i am going to have my main image of the rapper. I am hoping to place the image of the rapper inside the art, i know this may be difficult because of the shape.

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