Friday 30 March 2012

Here is the finished product for my contents page of my music magazine. I have placed the contents title at the top left of the page aswell as the date after it so it is clear to my readership what they are reader and what issue it is. I've also small printed 'Bare Noize magazine' above the magazine so it is clear in the minds of the reader and they remember what magazine has presented them with this. My main features are my first part of text on the page and it goes down in chronological page order for  my readers to simply understand where they can find the articles they are interested in and a small headline about what they are. The less important articles are in a completely different box to the main features, this allows my audience to see what other things are in the magazine as not all of my readers will be interested in just the mainstream products. My main image is of my main article artist, this is to emphasize how important the article is and how interesting it is as i have allowed it to be the only image on my contents page. I am happy with the way my contents page has turned out.

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