Wednesday 28 March 2012

 I started my double page spread and I began by choosing a suitable font for my magazine. I decided that because i was going to be covering pop culture music i was going to do a long elegant font which brought me to the one I chose. When i had chose the font i decided that i would use pink on some of the words to make it look edgy and give it a pop music feel. As i will be covering a rapper 'Krimbo' I decided I would try and project his image as different to other rappers who would be scared of pink. So far i have used a random image as my background as i am yet to take any pictures so this has given me a good guideline for drafting my front cover. I haven't entered any main text yet as i have been mainly focused on design elements but i will be covering an interview with the rapper and hopefully have a picture of him alongside of it.

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