Thursday 29 March 2012

This is the finished product of my front cover. I am very happy with the way it has turned out. I began my front cover by using one of the images of my model as the background of the page. This is used in almost every music magazine and its purpose is that the person on the cover will be the main feature in the magazine. So using my model as the main feature and the main picture made sense. I began experimenting with colours that i would use on the front cover.  At first i used a light blue similar to what i had used on my contents page, seeing as my image is quite dull i thought it looked out of place so i decided to replace it with a plain black instead. Once i had completed my title i continued to write my coverlines. My cover lines are based on the left as people read from left to right so it made sense that way. I placed a plug at the bottom of page suggesting that the competition was the 'BIGGEST' ever. This was to attract the attention of the audience by using capital letters to emphasis how big the competition actually is. I wrote coverline of my dps in pink as that represents the artist it is about and will catch peoples eye when they walk past it. I also colored in the words 'Sex Scandal' in red as sex scandals are normally associated with the colour red for lust/love.

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