Friday 30 March 2012

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

When i began my preliminary task of a college magazine, i researched and analysed different conventions of a magazine. I now know that creating a music magazine involves alot more work/research in order to get it to attract your target audience. I had a clear idea of what i wanted to do for my college magazine and for my music magazine. Whilst making my college magazine i was not as familiar with Photoshop and In Design so through the process of my music magazine i found it easier to progress faster as i already had some knowledge in the creation element of the project. In my preliminary task my layout of text was quite basic and i was not adventurous. I think in my main project i was more adventurous with layout and graphology. The main image that i used i believe was a better pose than my preliminary task as it involved mise-en-scene of a guitar and also represented my target audiences social group a lot better. In my college magazine i believe that i did not utilize space to my advantage and left dead space around the page where it could have easily been filled with content. I believe that with my main project i have utilized the maximum amount of space so that i can have the maximum amount of content in my magazine. I learnt that dead space is not helpful as the readers eye will be attracted to the area of emptiness more than being attracted to the actaul stories that i am offering them. In conclusion i believe since my preliminary task i have hugely improved my creative skills with the technology i was using. My skills with tech such as In Design has greatly increased and the practice with the College Magazine helped with that alot.

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